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INTERVIEW: Pleasure Seeker


An interview with Pleasure Seeker.

1) How would you present your work to someone who doesn't know you?

Come presenteresti il ​​tuo lavoro a qualcuno che non ti conosce?

Pleasure Seeker and Nubians of Plutonia Records were born following a 20-year journey.

From the first time I set foot in a club, I always thought this would be the place where

I could express myself.

This path has passed through different aspects of the clubbing world, from the artistic

direction to the organization of events, from pure djing to the production of one's own

records, from the conception of a Label to the management of the A&R side.

2) And your last job? Where is it born from? And where do you want to lead?

E il tuo ultimo lavoro? Da dove nasce? E dove vuoi condurre?

The latest project I created is Nubians of Plutonia Records. I would say it is the result of all my experiences.

NOP is the second Label I create and manage. NOP was born 100% from myself. Beautiful! Records is the other label

of which I am still A&R that I carry on with Fabio Macor and Lorenzo Maghenzani.

The goal I set for myself with NOP is to get to communicate my idea of ​​music while respecting my origins

looking for and proposing young artists but also already known names. I'm mostly interested in involving artists from all over

the world to be able to organize Showcases and share the consoles with other Djs/Producers.

3) What message would you like to convey to the public?

Quale messaggio vorresti trasmettere al pubblico?

The message I would like to convey is the importance of connections. I notice that many artists aspire only to a personal gain.

Wanting to involve artists from all over the world in my project helps me demonstrate the strength of connections, of human relationships that

they are created.

4) How did your last project come about?

Come è nato il tuo ultimo progetto?

NOP was born from the need to tell about myself in total form. When you work alone you have 100% of the burdens but also of the honors.

5) What do you want to transmit in this work? What is the concept behind it?

“see the lasts reply”

6) As for your studio, what is it currently made up of?

Per quanto riguarda il vostro studio, di cosa è composto attualmente?

Right now, having recently moved, I have my own studio still a work in progress.

When I need it, I have the support of Lorenzo, my partner in the various projects, who hosts me in his studio.

7) What is the one instrument you would never get rid of, no matter what?

Qual è lo strumento di cui non ti libereresti mai, qualunque cosa accada?

A MIDI controller from M-Audio is called the UC-33 Evolution, which if I'm not mistaken, is no longer produced.

I've melted it now. Luckily I use it to handle ABL which is a TB-303 VST emulator.

8) What was the last record store you visited? And what did you salvage from there?

Qual è stato l'ultimo negozio di dischi che hai visitato? E cosa hai recuperato da lì?

OYE in Berlin. I bought the latest reissue of my favorite record "Blue Monday" by New Order.

9) Do you have hope for the future of music? How would you like the future of the music industry to be?

Hai speranze per il futuro della musica? Come vorresti che fosse il futuro dell'industria musicale?

Fewer algorithms and more recognition of the true value in music quality.

10) Can you reveal some future projects?

Soon a Sub-Label will be born which will be called UTOPIAE where I would like the artists to talk about their

UTOPIAN desire through an album. Also, I'm considering doing some limited edition releases.

11) What makes you happy?

When I get positive feedback from people dancing in front of the console while I push my own or a label record.

Pleasure Seeker link

Nubians of Plutonia Records link





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